Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...
Matthew 28:19
At CFC, we are deeply committed to World Missions. We support Missionaries to Uganda, Philippines, Europe, Central America, South America, West Africa, and Madagascar! We’ve also participated on many trips to these areas. In addition to foreign missions, we support local missions to those in need in our community, as well as supporting our local pregnancy services throughout the Lansing area!



Active Missionaries
Rev. Jean Paul & Josette Engler
They are Missionaries to the French speaking countries with an Outreach focus in France, West Africa, and serving Madagascar village children.
Chariots of Fire Ministries: Philippines
Missionaries and local nationals are making a tremendous difference for Christ! This ministry is focused on making a difference for Christ in the Lucena City jails, through SMTI Bible school, and crusades by equipping nationals.
Rev. Michael & Christina Lusk: Vanguard Evangelism
The Lusks train evangelists on every continent across the globe. Vanguard serves frontline evangelists globally by providing portable sound systems, books and other materials to amplify their reach.
Scudder Family Ministries: Uganda
Brett and Bobbie Scudder minister throughout Uganda teaching and training Pastors, Evangelists, and lay people using SMTI curriculum, radio broadcasting, seminars, and basic theology training.
Join the mission
Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trip to Honduras in 2024
We often say… A trip on the mission field ruins you for the ordinary! We encourage you to join us and let God minister to you and through you like you’ve never dreamed.